Wines Château Gazin

Château Gazin
The vineyards of Pomerol gradually developed between the 12th century and the French Revolution under the aegis of the knights of Saint-Jean of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta. Château GAZIN, which was a hamlet in the 18th century, is located on the site of the Hospital of Pomeyrols, built by the knights to receive pilgrims on the Santiago de Compostela route. Descended from the high lords of Landas, whose crest they bear, the Bailliencourt dit Courcols belong to the one of the oldest families of the Artois (north of France). Laure (Madame Michel Dufour), Christophe, Inès and Nicolas de Bailliencourt. The descendants of Louis Soualle represent the 5th generation of vineyard owners both on the paternal and maternal side.