Cantine Ceci

Cantine Ceci

Cantine Ceci was founded by Otello Ceci, a tavern keeper in what is know as the "bassa parmense," a stretch of low-lying land that runs from the Via Emilia — the historic road that traverses downtown Parma — to the Po River to the north of the city.

From the outset, the winery has been a leader and visionary in the world of Italian wine.

It all began in 1938 in Otello's trattoria, where guests enjoyed the best tripe in Parma province and where he sold the Lambrusco that he made from grapes he would buy from local farmers.

His sons Giovanni and Bruno were still children. But they already knew how excited their father would become when it was time to press the grapes during the harvest.

It didn't take long before they closed their restaurant, launched Cantine Ceci, and set out on their adventure in the world of wine.

It was the beginning of a tradition that would evolve over the years as the Ceci brothers discovered their love for grape growing, for wine, and for those poetic bubbling casks that inspired and shaped their goals and aspirations.